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You can customize Pingvin Share by going to the configuration page in your admin dashboard /admin/config.


The General Tab will let you customize your Pingvin Share instance to your liking.

App name

To change the name of your instance, insert any text into App name.


To make your App available trough your own domain, insert your specific domain and also subdomain if needed. Add an https:// if you have an SSL certificate installed. If this is not the case, use http://.

Show home page

If you don't like the home page Pingvin Share provides and you just want the upload tab to be the main page, toggle this to true.

Not only you can change your instances name, but also the logo it shows everywhere. To do that, upload an image as png with a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Environment variables

For installation specific configuration, you can use environment variables. The following variables are available:


VariableDefault ValueDescription
BACKEND_PORT8080The port on which the backend listens.
DATABASE_URLfile:../data/pingvin-share.db?connection_limit=1The URL of the SQLite database.
DATA_DIRECTORY./dataThe directory where data is stored.
CLAMAV_HOST127.0.0.1 or clamav when running with DockerThe IP address of the ClamAV server. See the ClamAV docs for more information.
CLAMAV_PORT3310The port number of the ClamAV server.


VariableDefault ValueDescription
PORT3000The port on which the frontend listens.
API_URLhttp://localhost:8080The URL of the backend for the frontend.

Docker specific

Environment variables that are only available when running Pingvin Share with Docker.

VariableDefault ValueDescription
TRUST_PROXYfalseWhether Pingvin Share is behind a reverse proxy. If set to true, the X-Forwarded-For header is trusted.
PUID and PGID1000The user and group ID of the user who should run Pingvin Share inside the Docker container and owns the files that are mounted with the volume. You can get the PUID and GUID of your user on your host machine by using the command id. For more information see this article.