Installation with Docker (recommended)
- Download the
file - Run
docker compose up -d
The website is now listening on http://localhost:3000
, have fun with Pingvin Share 🐧!
Stand-alone Installation
Required tools:
git clone
cd pingvin-share
# Checkout the latest version
git fetch --tags && git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
# Start the backend
cd backend
npm install
npm run build
pm2 start --name="pingvin-share-backend" npm -- run prod
# Start the frontend
cd ../frontend
npm install
npm run build
API_URL=http://localhost:8080 # Set the URL of the backend, default: http://localhost:8080
pm2 start npm --name "pingvin-share-frontend" -- run start
Uploading Large Files: By default, Pingvin Share uses a built-in reverse proxy to reduce the installation steps. However, this reverse proxy is not optimized for uploading large files. If you wish to upload larger files, you can either use the Docker installation or set up your own reverse proxy. An example configuration for Caddy can be found in ./reverse-proxy/Caddyfile
The website is now listening on http://localhost:3000
, have fun with Pingvin Share 🐧!